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Lauren Johnston

This is the first time I’ve written about myself in a longtime, so let’s see how this goes. I’m in a job that I very much dislike and only like 1 colleague that works with me. I’d rather spend my week going on adventures and exploring, chilling out with mates and living life, but, we all have to pay bills, so I guess I’m stuck in a shitty job till something better comes along. I personally believe that everything happens for a reason and there is always something better waiting for us to find it, High School for example, we all hated it or disliked it to some degree but it was worth it in the end. I guess High School was a time in my life that I had no freaking clue what to do with myself or my life, but now I live with 2 awesome people, I write for a pretty amazing newsletter which also has a blog,  yeah my job maybe crappy but at least I get to travel up and down the coast on a daily basis with an awesome co-worker. I have also done a bunch of things I never thought I would get to do 5 years ago like go interstate and to the South Pacific Islands and take pretty decent photos of a lot of cool things and hopefully one day that might get me into photography. I have always wanted to do something with my life that involved the arts, like maybe one day I’ll be a primary school art teacher, or a photographer or maybe an artist, who knows and I think that’s what I find so intriguing I guess you could say, about life, is that there is a million possibilities and it’s up to you to write your own story. So I guess that’s kind of a bit about me you could say, so I hoped you enjoyed that little bio of myself.

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