Article written by Lauren Johnston.
The Brisbane Post Hardcore – Hardcore scene is not what most people believe it is. I personally have seen, witnessed and experienced the Brisbane music scene, I personally see it as one big group of family and friends. I have met and have become friends with the some of the coolest people I have known.
Yes there is the moshing and the blood, sweat and tears, but, when isn’t there in everyday life? I mean I have seen people as young as infants with earbuds and grandparents literally just chilling out and enjoying the music and themselves. It’s not summoning demons and making sacrifices at all, everyone is there to have a good time and support the local bands and come for a good time. Everyone is so kind hearted and caring that you can ask anyone for anything and they will try and help you out the best they can.
I once had someone ask me for a paper for a cigarette, they saw that I was cold and lent me their jacket for the night. I barely even knew this person and they were kind enough to do this for me. Everyone is respectful as most venues and/or gigs are all ages, there’s no limit on how young or old you can be, everyone is welcomed. The only shows that have an age limit is any show that’s advertised is the 18+ concerts or shows as there is alcohol on the premises.
Some of the main venues in Brisbane are The Crowbar in Fortitude Valley, along with the Brightside, Woolly Mammoth and the Triffid, just to name a few. Most of these venues usually hold 18+ shows as The Pheonix and The Lab have recently shut down within the last 2 or so years. I have had some of the best times at shows at these venues, the crowd is lovely and is always hyped for a good time. The bands are friendly as well as they are all local based from Brisbane or surrounding areas. I have never gone to a show and had a bad time. There is always security on the doors and cruising throughout, so it is completely safe for all ages when there is an all ages show and 18+ venues. Some of you are probably wandering what bands are from Brisbane that perform at these venues, some of these bands include Alaina – which is a four piece rock band from outer Brisbane, APATE – are a five piece heavy band, who have some wicked songs such as ‘Lions’, ‘Imposters’ and their latest song ‘Split’, There is also a bunch more bands from where that came from, but those are to just name a few.
Brisbane’s music scene also has a wide variety of music festivals to offer, that and we have some great festivals come to Brisbane, some of these include Woodford Folk Festival, Future Music Festival, Stereosonic and Brisbane Music Festival. The cool thing about these festivals is that they host a bunch of different genres and even smaller music groups most people might not know about.
These festivals are a lot different to a heavier festival like ‘Soundwave’ which no longer exists so to say. Heavier music festivals are a lot more dangerous you could say, as there can be literally hundreds of people moshing and just going absolutely mental, you may be thinking, “What’s the difference then, because that happens at most pop music festivals.” All I can say is that I have seen blood, broken bones, people getting knocked right out and trampled on.
There certainly is a black and white comparison here, one is upbeat and people jumping around and having a good time in summer clothing, whereas, on the other side you have people head banging, moshing, screaming and yelling and it looks like pure chaos and yet people are still having a great time. Both types of festivals are just as enjoyable as any other. If you aren’t in to the big crowds, or that’s not your type of music or scene, then there are a heap of smaller festivals that just specialize in showcasing local talent from all types of genres, some of these festivals are Fomo, Surfers Paradise Live, Blues on Broadbeach, Cooly Rocks on and Earth Frequency festival. There are heaps more and they all run throughout the year, at least every month there is something happening in the music scene in Brisbane.
