Article written by Ashleigh Lowry.
Any author can tell you that getting published is difficult. Trying to get your manuscript not only to stand out and be unique but also appealing to the big shot editors and book agents. Trying to get big name publishing houses to just look at your pride and joy can be near on impossible. Thankfully there are other ways to have novels created these days. Independent publishing is a great alternative to conventional means – it gets an author’s novel ideas out into the world and begin gaining popularity with those who it’d really resonate with. One of the greatest opportunities writers have today is the amount of independent publishing available to them. This overarching description includes, but is not limited to: online publishing companies; self-publishers; and, self-made publishing houses. All of these methods are a part of this diverse and welcoming publishing style.
Part of what makes this style of self-publishing so wonderful are all the different ways authors can go to create their novels. Services such as Amazon self-publishing and Australian Self-Publishing Group allow writers to transform their manuscripts into novels with prices that ranges between a couple of hundred to ten or fifteen hundred. These publishing groups provide a range of services, from marketing & PR to cover art, depending who you publish with. However, you run the risk of the stereotype that is associated with self-publishing: that your novel as nothing more than a passion project, an easy boast for social media. Escaping that stigma requires a smart business mind and copious amounts of luck, both of which can be hard to find in a world that constantly calls for you to ‘make your own luck’. Proven difficult, many writers see this as a back-up plan if their book is not picked up by mainstream publishing. However self-publishing is not all negative. This way is a great option for first time authors as it allows them to learn the business of publishing and if they decide to self-publish again what to do differently.
Online publishing platforms such as Wattpad and FictionPress, allow authors to submit their novels freely for the public in an easy to use and welcoming space. Being able to set a schedule, such as a chapter a week, writers can take the time they need to write the story they want to share without the pressure of needing a full manuscript finished. Authors can interact with likeminded readers from all over the world. Creating a platform for them to potentially move to a more traditional publishing platform. Some success stories from the site include The Kissing Booth by Beth Reekles, which is stated to be released as a Netflix movie later this month, and Cupid’s Match by Lauren Palphreyman, which has just had a pilot episode produced by CW seed. If utilised to their full capability site like these can launch characters that would not have been possible even five years ago.
Indie publishing is alternative pathway to traditional publishing. Many times, this pathway is commonly perceived as self-publishing, but it is quite different. Through indie publishing, authors create their own publisher, themselves. They can hire and fire as they choose and go through the traditional process of publishing but they have the creative freedom to keep their original vision intact. For marketing, they can choose how and who they market their book too. Indie publishing differs from self-publishing. As the creator of this independent company you cut out the middleman that are part of the self-publishing packages provided. There are many benefits of this type of publishing, such as the ability to create your own work, your way without having it reconstructed to fit the image of a publishing house; you get to decide the level of which you advertise you book and where. Many conventions and book stores are more than happy to promote independent authors, allowing them to sell and participate in signings, creating a wonderful and personal relationship between fans and the author.
There are pros and cons to each side of the publishing world and even though it may be difficult to take one path there are now many more in which authors could take. Researching your options, assessing the pros & cons and deciding are extremely important steps in the process of getting a book published. So, take your time and find a publishing pathway you are comfortable with so you can create the book you want.
