Article written by Breanna Smith.

Theatre. In a sentence, a story on a stage. By why do we enjoy this form of media when we can stay at home and watch it on TV or when we can see something, often with a bigger budget edited and trimmed down to perfection for a much lower price at the cinema? Well, there are many reasons. To spend time with others, learning about others and their experiences, to take time out and treat yourself to a special night and laugh, cry and have a great night. We can sink into a story and become a member of a brand new world and interact with those around us, or search and find more about topics we love and see more expanded on stage and lets the story grow. And while I've told you in one paragraph let's expand a bit further.
So, above I have said that you are able to learn from a play. What do I mean by that? Well, I mean this in two ways, both for adults and children. If you see a show that is often not a big production but one often from an "artsy" theatre, they will share a story you have not heard and you are able to learn about people and their stories and tales. It allows you to see the world from a new angle and see things in a new way, letting you become more open to new ideas and thoughts. I still remember a show I saw in high school, which I can not remember the name of or the theatre who made it, having an impact on me and opening me up to think differently.
A similar but simpler thing also happens in children's plays; teaching them value and life lessons while also helping them with their critical thinking, trying to solve the puzzle first. It allows them to think deeply and explore new ideas and stories while having a great day out.

Another reason to see a show is to see the talent. When seeing a show you are able to see the combined talent of many people. You can see the talent of the actors of course but you can also see the talent of the choreographer in the dances performed on stage. We can see it in the talent of the dressmakers in the costume that the actors wear which helps tell a story and helps make the character on stage a real person. We can see it in the set design that allows the world around us to become anew and bring us into a new world of comfort and danger to let us become embraced in a new world of the story. When seeing a show on stage we can see all the talent of the people who put the show together and see the love and talent put into the show to make the show great and bring the story to life.
When seeing a show one of the great things about it is that you are able to enjoy it. You are able to sit in a room with others around you and enjoy the entertainment in front of you. You are able to let yourself go and laugh until you can't breathe or cry until you have no more tears. And depending on the tale this can be all in one play. A show lets you enjoy what is in front of you and adds value to going to see a production and just letting yourself feel the emotion with the story. You can feel happy and feel sad and that's alright. You can love one character and hate the other. Theatre allows for your emotions to run free and feel the highs and lows of a story and let you be free from the outside world and the pressures.
The best thing about theatre for me is it allows you to share. Theatre allows you to make and share memories for years to come with those you know and love. You are able to share stories when seeing a show and share the joy of that memory as well for many years to come. You can see the emotion and the happy memory of that day and hold onto that memory with fondness.
To sound cheesy there are many reasons to see a show. Theatre is important and allows us to learn and explore in a new light. We are able to embrace and share a new or old story and we can share it with others. A show is able to bring joy to the world in a little or a big way and help people get through tough issues. And it can help you bond with others. Theatre allows you to make joyous memories and share them with those around you. I think theatre is important because of what it lets you do and have, it lets you be free.