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Samuel Burnett

My name is Samuel Burnett and I like movies.

You know, that’s putting it mildly. It doesn’t really tell you the whole story.

When I was four, my parents took me to a screening of The Lion King. It was the first time that I had ever been to the cinema before and I did not know what to expect. Quite frankly, I did not understand the concept.

After all, why go somewhere else to watch a movie when we had a perfectly good TV?

But, exactly thirty-five minutes after the lights dimmed and the movie started, something happened that fundamentally changed me forever.

I heard Scar whisper the immortal words “Long live the king” before murdering his own brother. I still get chills when I hear Jeremy Irons growl his lines but at the time it was the single most terrifying thing that I had ever seen.

Everyone has their big movie villain, for some, it’s the Wicked Witch of the West, for others, it’s Darth Vader but, for me, it is always going to be that fearsome, monstrous lion.

It was right then that I learned just how powerful the cinema could be and, since then, I’ve always wanted to create a story that could hit other people as strongly as that one first hit me.

My name is Samuel Burnett and I like movies.

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